Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Wonderful Easter

We had a joyous Easter. Sunday morning was amazing for Steve, Kiely, and I. Steve was able to drive-in and see and hear Kiely's talk on the Atonement. He was on duty and was just released from an incident and the engine was right near the Church. He stood at the door. Kiely gave a powerful and moving talk that was just so good. It was wonderful to hear her not only her testimony, but even about how so many of her prayers have been answered. There's much joy in knowing she has so much faith.

I enjoyed Sacrament Meeting, not just because of her speaking assignment, but because of the deeper feelings I had when partaking of the Sacrament. I read some of her talk before she gave it. Didn't add or correct anything--it just made meditate, increase my testimony, and realize just how incredible "Partaking of the Sacrament" can be for us all.

And.... my experience in the Family History Library during Sunday School brought to light my need to fix some of my work that I thought was already done. There were records that I had checked that haven't been recorded and it's not that there wasn't enough time. The records were skipped, by me. Sigh. The "NEW" Family Search is a bit time consuming, but has taught me so much already. I'm fixing my Family History! "Genealogy, I Am Doing It!"

To watch the slide-show. Please turn-off my music on my red player.

Beautiful Sabbath, Easter, Kiely's Talk, and a Wonderful Afternoon


The Knappy Crew said...

Cute slide show. I loved Dave's pictures. He is such a dork!

Becky said...

I loved all those pictures of the family. It felt like we were there.We Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Awesome slide show. Easter was so nice. Glad the mountain lion has finally made its appearance on the fence.

Breeda said...

I love the slide Becky, I felt like I was there. Wish I could have been...Love and miss ya'll! :)

annie valentine said...

You crack me up. Jason doesn't get a say in our PDA, I like to publicly affect him all over the place.

Good slide, BTW.

Mrs. Saviers said...

Very nice! Glad the mt. lion didn't eat the Easter bunny....We Lazenbys do have a sick humor side.