Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Father's Day

I will admit I was a bit sad on Father's Day. I also hurt my back Saturday trying to make Grandpa Cookies--actually it was when I was changing clothes. Anyway, I twisted it just a little and messed it up. You know....everyone eventually has a "catch-in-their-back."

I didn't go to church and that was just because I knew I couldn't sit still at all. I'm not going to take pain medication again.

The very Good:
I was noticed. I was noticed that I wasn't there and it was my dear, dear Visiting Teacher. She came on Father's Day. Not like she had anything to do that day. She gave the lesson in Relief Society and then her own family that was waiting for her after church. Gloria Hanson came to see me. There was a "linger longer" after church and she didn't stay. I'm am so humbled by her sweet actions, there are no words to describe how my heart was touched.

Gloria gave me her whole lesson. What a deal and I so needed it. It was on doing my genealogy and how important the work is and presenting the names to the Temple. I read in the scriptures once about doing vain genealogies and getting caught up in what Paul wrote to Timothy. He said, “Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister [present] questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.” (1 Tim. 1:4.) Well, there are a bazillion insignificant facts and stories that need not be written and read, I need to just skip it. It's eats my time and I accomplish nothing. It's a bad habit trying to know all the history and tales (fables) probably exaggerated and one sided, yes...fables. I'm not actually getting the work done by playing around with the stories and journals.

We know without our ancestor's and our genealogy together, we can not be made perfect. (see D&C 128:15) I HAVE to finish and send my work in. Sister Hanson made me see my imperfections and start doing better. New goals set and repentance starts. I don't think she even knew, but I knew and that was exactly the message I needed. That day. Yes, on Father's Day. My dad is still not sealed Grandma and Grandpa Wellman. I received revelation from her and more on Father's Day. Do you feel what I see here, do you understand? It's very evident to me and I have a stronger testimony and increase in faith. The Church is True.

The Bad (It's Me)
Not Steve!
I didn't even see Steve on Father's Day because he was on duty, but I made sure his card was ready. It was about Johnny Cash's song, "Burning Ring of Fire" and it has a lot of meanings attached to it. Steve is my hero, he's a fireman, he likes to Bar-B-Que and also the card had a place to not only play the song but record my voice. Ding dong! I pulled the tap clear out of the card so my voice won't come out now. I sprung it. I wrote him a letter, which is probably better. It won't run out of batteries and corrode and the letter is longer than 10 seconds.

To my Dear Husband,

I opened a ton of message cards and when I heard this one I KNEW it was for you. You love Johnny Cash. Me too. I especially like this song, "Burning Ring of Fire" not just because you're a fireman, but the song has such a deeper meaning that really applies to your life.

You are a fireman and it's the most heroic occupation, ever. Think of the lives you saved.... Steve, you can't go to the market without EVERYONE stopping you and thanking your for saving them or a loved one, not to mention all the "saves" on the fires.

The trial by fire started when you were born and moving to an area that had no other members. I know it was hard in school. It was a "trial by fire." The missionary calling to the Bible Belt was a fire like no other because you ended-up just putting out all the dumb missionary fires, so that the mission could run and prosper. It did and it was though this experience that you ended up with your most challenging fire and that's me.

You single-handedly put out all my "fires" and took care of all our children's "fires." Your business was another huge fire and so was being a bishop. I think your family has been the "big one" as in fire dept talk..."See you at the 'big one' and stay safe" Our family was like the packing house fires spread out over a lot of years.

I know you live to take care of us. You work constantly doing outside chores, all my chores, and working absolutely non-stop with your second job to make ends meet. You are a peacemaker and fire extinguisher at the highest degree. Hey, and you do like your Bar-B-Q!

I want to more than just thank you because that isn't enough. I appreciate you and I'm so grateful every single minute of everyday for you being my husband and the father and grandfather of our children.

To our Patriarch, Father, and my most bestest husband I could ever pray for....I love you more than I've ever loved anything in my life. You are precious and I hope I can make myself better to be with you in heaven. I love you. Susan

Yes, he's in the picture below. I couldn't find a house with him in it, that didn't actually show the house and the address or something that someone would know where it was. I didn't want to post pictures that and make victims or others see their home or family member. That would be so sad. But...I do have lots of pictures of him being a hero, over and over. The above picture was in the newspaper, so I thought it was okay to post that picture and the child wasn't hurt.

So I get these flowers right after Father's do I feel? I wrote that "Gorilla and Snake Post" Yeah, the one about how "men evolved from apes" It was a crock, I know. I thought the post on apes was funny, I'm sorry. (the video's still funny)

How I can connive him at every turn? I'm so bad. Gorillas don't give flowers, do they...? They are beautiful and smell wonderful and still are beautiful . I love flowers. See what a great man I married?

Steve asked me later that day, (the flower day) if I wanted to go to Walmart? Yes, I want some shoes, remember Marnie's Walmart shoes? How could I go there? I completely forgot his kindness and generosity and picked-out not just one, but four pairs of shoes. I would have gotten five if they had red in my color. The shoes are so comfy and I'm blessed to have them, I give them... five stars!

I can't wear all of them at the same time. What was I thinking? He got them for me, because I made a note of the shoes on the blog. I am pond-scum!

Steve caught me meditating on this pair that I had taken off my feet and put them on a pillow. He asked me if I was admiring my shoes. No, I was admiring him getting me the shoes. That was salt in the wound and he didn't even know it.

These are now my "movie shoes" Don't ask. I name everything. Like: Brown Movie Shoes, Black Movie Shoes, etc.

The Ugly:
Sing here>>>Father's Day is a special Day . It's the day, Dave scares his mother-in-law, Day!
Dave, the snake was ugly not you, well...I didn't like it. I wasn't too scared, really. The snake went crazy, nuts when I tried to hold it. I saw it had a mouse wiggling inside and then I freaked -out. It was inside a sack of grain, in the barn, and Kiely just missed the snake's strike. Gopher snakes do leave teeth in their bite to start infection. Careful handling---

Good: Relief Society Visiting Teachers


Breeda said...

Sweet post Mom. I love you!

The Knappy Crew said...

Ring of fire!!!! Perfect for him....I personally am a little frightened of the ring of fire, for the time being.
I loved you letter to dad. It was very sweet.
Dave will get a kick out of his picture..heheheh