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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yikes, I Don’t Know What I’m Doing

I’m trying-out Microsoft Live Writer to help me blog. Windows 8 has disabled Google blog posts. Not sure I like this new method and I’m not sure I can get to my other pages. Still learning and anxious to get something posted, especially for my family.

Monday, December 9, 2013

True Confessions

The truth is... I've been very late catching up with my blog/journal entries because I decided to spend all my energy looking for Waldo.

Well, I found-out that traveling guy "found" himself. Sure hope he's happy sitting on his seater.

So much has happened in just a short amount of time!

Deep breath! Should I say it all at once or little at a time? I'll do it little-- It started with me milking in May and snowballed into crazy... about the time our two dogs here at Danger Ranch had puppies.

We had a family reunion:

Our grand daughter in Fillmore was made Miss Teen Fillmore.

We have new grand daughter:

My son got married! I have another grand daughter and my new daughter is indescribable. Beautiful, intelligent with an MBA, but she could be a brain surgeon. Sweet, kind, and never says an unkind thing about anyone. The whole town of Santa Paula loves her and claims her as their "best friend." My son and his best friend fell in love. They found each other.

Our family took a trip that I thought I'd never have, ever:

I've been doing genealogy and found some really interesting information through my own blog comments about my great grandparents and it's very sad, it's one of those individual family members that you lose sleep over, by grieving for her and her mother,too... my great, great grandmother.

Our new baby girl grand daughter had me worried about winter weather and I developed this crazy obsession of going full-speed focus, trying to use all my beautiful yarn for our grand daughter. I made a whole box full of baby hats, booties, and diaper covers and they were all too small. The hospital was extremely excited to accept them and I learned a lot about knitting, crocheting and also loom knitting. That was all good, my little "Dune" doesn't need a thing. I gained so much.

One of my trips to Utah, I started getting sick and then getting sicker. That was way back in May. A bit scary because I didn't know how to make myself feel better. Still working on it all and hopefully new treatments will make better. Five big doctor's appointments in one week is intimidating.I have faith.

I have some daughter's that have endured much this year. Our Oklahoma family just missed the two F5 living between Moore and the big highway. The tornadoes were right there and really just missed the tornadoes by a block.

My Wyoming daughter is enduring, like most of the country (here a bit, too) freezing temperatures. Two days ago it was -20 degrees and the windchill was -43. My daughter's husband was out welding railroad tracks faraway and she and her little family live out on a ranch. Praying for them as I did my Oklahomies.

I still did my most of my chores, but my Steve is helping me more and more. I want to blog about each of these events and I will. There's still new events all around us. Baptisms, new callings in Church, and of course we are having puppies again probably tonight. So if you want to see fatness (Laney) please go to my Queensland Heeler page with the top tab or HERE.

I think the hardest obstacle I've had to overcome was the giving-up my little computer and going with a full lap-top of Windows 8. This is something! It's making me crazy with Google fighting with this set-up! Stupid Microsoft won't let me write on my blog, so I have to do it on another program. Grrrr. Oh, and my pictures are really hard to load. I'll think it's going to be easy soon, just like knitting. But instead of reading the tutoring part about Windows 8, I need to jump in get in and get started. I haven't found the APP yet I guess. Ugh! Writing all in HTML is archaic! No spell check?! I may have my heart attack, yet.