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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Clueless Me. What Did Kiely Say? No one is Telling!

This was on my computer screen this morning. What was going on behind my back? I know when this was taken? duhr...When the family pictures were taken from Ashley Stalker. She caught this incredible candid shot. Right on the money, honey!

Outrageous things my little daughter Kiely says to anyone. I am never aware! She's the blond just over my left shoulder.

When she was in the nursery and a very little girl, the Stake President lived in our ward, he just happened to help with his wife in Primary. Someone was unable to be there and they happily went into the nursery to help. Oh, the things you hear in the nursery!

There were approximately... five or six children and the Stake President wanted Kiely to come over and say "Hi!" Her older siblings taught her at 2 1/2 to say, "No Way! Butt-Head!" Yep, that's what she told him. And you know what? He mentioned that at Stake Conference... something about being humble...I can't remember, exactly, but I slipped real far down on the seat. hahaha Like... hide me? My husband's face was beet-red and the "stink-eye" was sent out to all the older children sitting next to us.

Kiley still does it, even today..on the phone...in front of her friends. And gasp! I turn inside out. She's at Disneyland today. Scoop!

But there is a moral to this short story. She's now teaching all my grand children very interesting comments. Kiely says, "Say_____!" Every single one of the grand children are learning quickly, the shocking and embarrassing information that haunted me. Does that scare any teenagers into not teaching their little sister or brother bad language? It better, because you will ultimately be rewarded with a curse of the "little kid" growing up and taking revenge.

It must have been Outrageous..., Secrets at the beach


  1. Love it. That is so funny! I am having so much fun with Jane being so much like Kiely. It is like Kiely is here with me as a little girl. It makes me laugh and call Jane Kiely ALL THE TIME.

  2. nice! my kids are in the kiely revenge on the older sibling. they have learned SOOOO much

  3. I watch your blog and never say anything, but I enjoy your post. I have to tell you that while working with Tressa today she totally reminded me of Kiely. I told her I thought so. She laughed! Loriann


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