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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are There Normal Days In Anyone's Life?

I just finished writing my title to this blog and I dropped the telephone reached to pick-up it up and my glasses fell and broke. I then stepped on a brown watercolor pencil (not the cheap kind) and last, but probably not least, I dropped my "A:/" drive that I'm trying to use to retrieve all my pictures out of my very old, floppy discs. It's not a "spring day" it's like summer. In some ways this day was like a lot of others, but it isn't.

I know that one would think the picture in the mirror below is Kiely, but it's Tressa, my oldest when she was about 14. She's looking in the mirror and thinking what's next? I heard her say, "I don't see my future and maybe my life will be over by the time I get out of high school." Does every girl think that? I told her she wasn't a fortune teller and there are probably a lot of surprises just waiting to happen around the corner. There were... and still are.... blossoms of them.

Spring time comes and a renewal of life begins again.

The threat of life taken away, is always in my mind and prayers. How could I not think of it, when my husband is on duty and I hear the sirens? I hope others pray for the people involved in the calls and for the emergency responders to the calls. Thank you, Tress, for reminding me that you do indeed worry and pray for them all so much. Sorry there were so many, many calls in Fillmore today.

I love spring because of the new babies at the farm-the old ones still have new babies and seem to appreciate their babies more and more. Molly is due soon and I can see Miracle will probably have her first kid... near the first part of June. I didn't think we would have kids this year. Our buck is so young, but for me... I think I was blessed with goats to milk this year and I look so forward to it. My best thoughts and motivation come to me when I milk by hand. I have a milking machine, but with only two in milk it would be such a hassle to carry the hot water to the milk house. Besides, I get all the love from the does when I milk them out. They give kisses and it is very hard to shield your lips from goat lips when unlocking the gate. I always thank them for blessing me. Plus....it gets me up, dressed and ready for the day. EARLY.


Sandy, Our Last Santa Cruz Sheep Ewe

Chickens and Chicks Are A Blessing And Even More So--- Are My Dear Grandchildren.
Check Larin's site out! We are having another grand-baby and it's a GIRL!!

Santa Barbara is so close to us. Lots of places that are dear to our family are just a few minutes away. We can be in Santa Barbara (without lots of traffic, not the weekend) in 53 minutes.

Santa Barbara one of our favorite places we go to just appreciate the beauty of the sea and the calming affect of the boats sailing by. We love Ventura, especially Surfer's Point, near the fairgrounds--so fun to picnic in the car, watching the waves.

Yesterday, while I was getting my blood pressure checked I went there, in my mind. My blood pressure was way lower than normal and I was very worried when I went in for my appointment. Hey, those lessons in Lamaze help you all through your life. I needed an imaginary place to go. Well, it's not that imaginary--I was just there a couple days ago.

It seems that I may have something going on...or not. First thing the doctor told me was I had a twisted intestine and needed a CT scan immediately. There are possibly other things that could be going on. "Colic!" I said, startled. He said, "Yeah...?" I guess colic means different things to different people. Before I had my CT scan Steve was going to give me a Priesthood Blessing. One of the firefighters became ill and had to go home and they called him in to work suddenly. I also got called to go into the imaging center early, the doctor wanted to get my results read right away. The receptionist told me to hurry. I just kept chuggin' the berry, 7-up tinged, melted ice cream concoction (Barium Sulfate Suspension) I had to call it something because it was like... never mind.

I wanted a blessing, so I went to the missionary's apartments and went into the lot. No car. They were supposed to eat at our house in a couple of hours. I thought just by chance they were there. I went just 50 feet and saw another driveway. I drove in there and saw their car. I parked and waited. How would I know their phone number, their apartment? It was only just after that thought, and the phone rang and it was my daughter Marnie. Luckily, I hit the right button to answer the phone. Kiely just told me how to answer it that morning. Marnie said she was returning my call. ****Side Note: I don't know how to use the phone--I traded phones and numbers with Kiely. I didn't call MARNIE... Kiely did, NOT with her phone or her number, but with mine. I've had the phone a couple weeks, I just didn't take the time yet to figure it out. But... I answered it.

I asked her to quickly to call the Elders and tell them I was in the parking lot and needed a blessing. I couldn't explain to her and she didn't even know I was going to have the CT scan. The Elders came down and blessed me. I cried and held one Elder's hand to my face. I felt such comfort. I listened to piano music all the way to my appointment. Part of the blessing was that I would get to my destination safely. That doesn't seem like such a big deal, but the traffic was terrible and I didn't know the lanes to be in and honestly it's like a puzzle to get there. I had at least five drivers wave me in. They were so polite in the middle of a bunch of crazy drivers. Okay, I was at the front of the crazy drivers, just kidding. Old joke!

The Elders don't know, my family doesn't know, but I know I was amazingly blessed. Without seeming like...I don't know..it's hard to talk about. tear. My testimony again was strengthened. There are NO coincidences like this. Hard to explain on a blog or journal, but in my heart I feel the Spirit and Comfort that I still very much need.

I do feel so much better today. No appetite, but... Hey! I had some super, gnarly drink yesterday. I feel like I want to go for a cruise in the FJ. See my smiling face when I almost rolled it? I'm grateful I didn't roll it, too. Steve helped me correct my driving by dropping the camera and taking over the wheel. Look carefully... I'm the only one in the car, and that's for a reason. Yes, I am wacky-smiling, like it won't roll! "Steve....it's got articulating suspension, right?"

Yes we are still getting reverse 911 calls on the mountain lions. There's a helicopter flying over our house right now. Dawn and dusk scare me the most. I have three tiny lambs calling lions and one medium sized lamb that won't stay in the sheep pens. Interesting that when the lions are here... and they have been, one lion ran down our driveway the other day... The animals get so quiet, it's spooky. All but the baby lambs, that is. If our dogs are out of the kennels, watch -out! Little, our blue Queensland Heeler, was so frustrated by missing her chance to tree the lion that she went after our mare. She just heels it! Little is old, fat, and walks different these days. She and I are, oh nooooo, the same. hahaha Yes, if you have a dog long enough you start looking like your dog!?

Well, she couldn't move fast enough when Banner kicked and she was hit in the face, just missing her eye. However, she had a good--I mean bad, concussion. The eye area that was hit didn't even bleed. The eye itself turned to almost all whitish-blue and no pupil, she looked freaky! The other eye completely dilated. She wanted to sleep, so we stayed-up almost all night with her. Little has a messy eyebrow, but she's still her old self. She and I need to stay-out of Jurassic Park.

Here we are.
Who does Kiely look like now?
"Facedub" With My Grand-daughter's Hair. Okay, I like her hair brown.

The Elders still were fed a really good meal last evening, thanks to Kiely and Randy. Kiely even made the four Elders brownies and bought them their favorite pop. I just counted my blessings in our living room.

BTW...the confusing sign traffic sign... has a little yellow sign behind it and you can't read it in my picture, but it says, "OKIES" Just a passing thought of our dear departed "Okies Bar" on Harvard. Nice...

Love you mean it!

****Added Sunday April 19, 2009. I don't know if I should keep adding these little notes. I just want to make it clear, very clear... I'm not that special to have these blessings, first. Second, I didn't really want to share my illness stuff with anyone. Hey, I didn't even tell my family--just my husband. The reason for the writing in my blog was to say... I was spiritually blessed so much that it would seem so ungrateful if I were to pass this experience and not mention it or let anyone not know that they may receive these same great blessings.

Health just plain goes with aging and I've heard that "Getting Old Is Not For Sissies" and I can see that we will and can have greater trials and challenges. It's how we respond to our tests in this life and how we endure hardships, troubles, or adversities that show our devotion to the Gospel by going on, carrying on, and persisting in the Lord's work while we're here on earth.
Heavenly Father Lets Us Have Trials and He Also Intercedes To Change Things Dramatically


  1. I thought I'd catch you if you posted a note saying that those Santa Barbara Pictures look familiar. Yes, they are yours and just a note. That seagull one is so amazing--with the full resolution you could see fish swimming under the gull. Thank you for leaving you wonderful pictures with me. lymi Mom

  2. Mom you know that it was that Elders very first blessing ever. So though you had a rough day you still were able to bless the lives of others and he was pretty stoked to share the priesthood with you.

  3. Thanks Mom and I did recognize the photos...I am glad you like them. I am glad that you posted this. It is wonderful....I did call your name in to the Temple Prayer Roll too.

    I love you Mom!

  4. neat post mother. it is amazing our heavenly father continues to bless us. ALWAYS! lymi

  5. I LOVE your tender heart and true faith!


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