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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Made Myself Laugh Today. Actually, All day Was Wonderful!

I started my day late. I thought I was ready--but it wasn't my fault. I say that a lot, but it really wasn't this time. I think Marnie and I were about 5 minutes late. Lots of people came in after us so we weren't the only ones on "Mormon Time" Yeah..... Who had to milk and feed and clean-up all the hairpins in just 5 minutes. Well, the hairpins I did. The milking wasn't done because I think our Buck is sucking all the milk out of the does (the price on him just went down a couple hundred dollars, hahaha) The feeding was done by my husband and I didn't get everyone of the hairpins because my glasses were somewhere? I had to sing the hymns with my sunglasses on because they have some slightly good bifocals. I never written that word before. Looks crazy and old, really old.

Yes, I went to a missionary meeting and I can't remember what the missionaries call it but it was like a farewell and "meet your new companion day" Lots of boys hugs and a few girl hugs. The boys are rough. I thought it might turn into sport home run.."Belly-Slams." (not the girls, they giggled and hugged and then fanned their faces to show the excitement)

The Testimony Meeting part was wonderful. I really saw the most spiritual side of so many missionaries that have been serving here in the Ventura Mission. It was really just beautiful. It's too bad that more people don't come to these meetings just to hear and feel the spirit. I know I'll go to more. President Murri quoted our missionaries from Santa Paula and that made my heart glad.

Steve took movies of the Richfield Island
Will We Ever Forget the Pier is as wide
as just one bus?

My Serene Spot.
This is where I go...
when I have a Dr. appointment.

Steve was outside waiting for me after the meeting in his "Hay-why-ann" shirt, shorts, and huaraches. No old surfer dude is going to the beach without his huaraches. We had fun and went to our old surfing, stomping grounds. Neat memories. The water was glassy and so clear. The laughing starting when he told me that he knew I wanted new shoes from Walmart. He knows I want the ones that are like Marnie's? Dang! She ratted me out! I can't covet anything! I told him I wanted one of every color and he called me Kaa, the snake. (see link) I knew I shouldn't have posted that gorilla vs. snake info. Now, he knows my secret. It really was. Man, guys are dumb. I didn't say that--I heard it somewhere. I thought he knew about my sly tricks, but he didn't. I'm such a snake.

I just found this email online a couple of minutes ago. And laughed, and laughed and laughed..Shoot! My Steve thinks I'm crazy. Well...not well.

I posted this over a year ago. Don't remember writing it, but it's on the Internet Forevber! (Jaxon dialect) and I found it. THAT ! My dear people is so amazing, it's freaky! It might be that I was a bit WUI. (writing under the influence) Why is this email saved. Is every note I write saved? I'm in so much trouble.

Subject:Pretty please?Actions...
From:Susan Lazenby (tezz@yahoo.com)
Date:Mar 7, 2008 10:21:29 am
I have two google blogs, by accident (mine, of course) is there a simple way to get rid of the one I don't use? I don't want to loose the one, but the other is confusing to my friends and bugs me. Thank you for any, any help. Tezra, the dumb! This is the keeper: http://rock-n-oaks-ranch.blogspot.com/
This is the one I want to get rid of: http://butt-rock-ranch.blogspot.com/
The dashboard has both of them, so I guess...Shoot! Should I give the one to my 19 year old daughter? She's acting like a "butt" right now and we could just use the same dashboard.
I just don't want to delete my first blog with rock-n-oaks. I know I'll screw it up if I try and mess with it.
Please send simple directions--I'm on Rx meds for a back injury. I'm way better, but my brain is very foggy. Well, maybe it's not the meds. nevermind.
Thank you so much in advance my address email here is: tezz@yahoo.com duh....like you will receive my email when you get my question......
Tip of the day...Don't start a blogspot when you are on drugs!

Added June 20, 2009:
BTW... Don't come to my house to get drugs, because I had a reaction to the pain killers. I threw the pills, per doctor's request, down through the sewer....if you get my drift.

Now, I'm catching condemnation from my "tree-hugging" daughter. "The pills go down and don't get processed like poop, so they go to the Santa Clara River and the Steel Head Trout chill and live it up right there...at the sewer plant exit...

The stinkin' fish wait for the pills and they get high or even worse...nuts like me." "The trout don't know where they're going, ALRIGHT?" I know.... the trout don't travel up the crik..anymore because they just swim there at the sewer plant pipe all weirded-out. "No, you stupid fish...it's Not Calgon, it's DRUGS..."

Did ya' ever think the trout are maybe called Steel Heads because the farmers take all the water and they have to drill underground like "Tremor Worms" to get to the spawning places? My daughter won't read my blog--so I can write this.
Fight With My Husband While Laughing, Sad Goodbyes, Spiritual, Vacation and Now This Crazy Email Shows up... like a picture you Never Want To SEE


  1. Thanks for going with me yesterday. It was a really nice morning. One of my favorite meeting.

  2. me too, I loved it thank you "my daughter" lolfor taking me. Steve thought it wouldn't be (like he loved it)...having finally a vacation together and staying all day with a group of missionaries, but then he was an assistant and bishop and you know how cynical they can get. j/k He was on duty and couldn't come until about a hour into the meeting and what an awkward presence, with his surfer "get up"

  3. Funny Mom...that email is a crack-up!


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