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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tatum Lazenby Was Baptized

Please Go to: www.whatheavenseesinyou.com for more information. To see the beautiful You Tube Video:
"What Heaven Sees In You" White Dresses:


What Heaven Sees in You
Sent to this earth, you were saved through the ages for this day and time.
Child of great worth, child of promise, daughter of the divine;
Pure and holy, in a little white dress
You were held in a circle and you were blessed.
And the Father looked down and the angels surrounded that pl
They knew the truth—all that you could do
And you will too if you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you.

Dressed in white once more, making promises to follow in God's way.
So much lies in store for the little girl who enters at the gate.
Pure and holy, in a little white dress

You were led into the water and you were blessed.
And the Father looked down and the angels surrounded that place.
They knew the truth—all that you could do
And you will too if you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you.
Do you understand who you are?
Part of the Father lives in you.
And if you continue on this path

Every promise God has given will come true.
Heaven on earth, in the House of God so much fills your heart and mind.
Woman of great worth, woman of promise, daughter of the divine;
Pure and holy, in a long white dress

You promise forever and you are blessed.
And the Father looks down and the angels surround that place.
They know the truth—all that you can do
And you do too, 'cause you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you.

Will you have eyes to see what heaven sees in you?
©2001 Doug Walker & Sherry Marks Walker

The last few weeks have been absolutely incredible in so many ways. We are so blessed, all of us. Saturday, June 27, 2009, Tatum, my granddaughter, was baptized. Tatum's aunts gave the talks. They both gave wonderful and spiritual talks that were so personal. Kiely and Stephanie are Tatum's aunts. I was so proud of Kiely and Stephanie, too, both talks were so heartfelt, sincere, and so touching to all of us as we thought of Tatum and reflected on our own covenants.

My heart went out to Dustin and how Tatum took all the sacredness of these moments with such a very quiet reverence.

It's not the norm for our out-going girl to be so still. I put her signature up on my blog and that exactly reflects her personality. The pictures are at the beach. I lost my camera (yay, Kiely found it today--whew) but I didn't have it for this special occasion, but I will not ever forget her baptism. All our children's and grandchildren's baptisms are so completely special to grandmothers, aren't they? Tatum knew this was one of her most special events in her life and she listened and watched carefully. All of us did. The room was packed. I know she felt the spirit there, it was so strong and it's so wonderful when a little child realizes and it really committed in faith.

The last thing that really touched our whole beings--I mean, just complete stillness. All the babies didn't make a sound. Quiet. Bishop Larry Young came up to welcome Tatum to the ward and full membership. But, he did something so special and sweet and that was to pull out the piano seat and sit Tatum in front of us. Bishop Young sat down beside her and put his arm around her and told us all... Here sits a perfect person, a blessed child, and we should be grateful beyond words to be sitting her in her presence. There was a long pause of silence and the spirit was so strong.

I pondered how interesting it was that Tatum, who has always reminded me of myself when I was her age...Tatum was baptized at the Stake Center in the same baptismal font that I was baptized in and then I also was given the Gift of the Holy Ghost Feb. 25,1970. I also was given the Ordinances in front of the font, in the same location. I never thought then what joy my future husband, children, and grandchildren would be to me. Actually, I have many acquired members of my family, as in-laws, and I'm so grateful for them.

The baptism was performed by Dustin Lazenby for Tatum Rose Lazenby and Dave Cummings and Steve Lazenby stood as witnesses.

Those that stood in the circle for Tatum were: Jeff Dottl, Craig Butler, Steve Jenkins, and Dave Knapp, (uncles) Dave Cummings and my Steve, her Grandfathers, and also the Bishop. Dustin, my son and Tatum's Father, performed the Ordinance Of Confirmation and the Gift of The Holy Ghost.

I gave the opening prayer and my Steve gave the closing prayer with Aunt Luana Lindsey playing the piano and Aunt Susanna Dottl leading the hymns.

A Day To Remember Always

1 comment:

I do love comments, at least the nice ones!