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Friday, August 7, 2009

Good News First or Bad News?

Good News: My husband doesn't think I'm a wino, the bottle still may be in the barn---no....W-H-I-N-O! I can't crawl like that, either.

Bad News: I'm addicted to Cherry Dr. Pepper. I can't help it, I married into the Lazenby's. Ever read the history of Dr. Lazenby?

He was a co-conspirator to the making of the "Original Snake Oil," Dr. Pepper???

(Check-out paragraphs 6-8. Lazenby was 'some' chemist, huh? Promoter...yeaaahh!)

The Badder News: You know for a fact that you are taking too many pills when you try to down two Alka Seltzers with a sip of Dr. Pepper. I'm glad I was over the sink. I think I cleaned our garbage disposal.


  1. HAHA! I am glad that I didn't have my water in my mouth!!!

  2. I love you Mother. You have THOUSANDS of people praying for you.....everyday! And everyone that knows you. Please don't cry....you will get better. You are wonderful!

  3. Love you momma, I saw your cute furniture near Caroline Reeders house too. It is so super cute! I hope you are feeling ok.


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