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Sunday, May 30, 2010

And Here's What I Say About That

I just can't spit it out!

Let me say first that the picture above was taken just before I broke my finger and I was at the computer ready to spill my guts. Then, the sheep wool caught my finger and made everything I write, illegible. There's so, so, so much happening in our lives right now. I want to write and write and I keep starting and have to quit. Finger fatigue and I post, WAY TOO MUCH!

The short and sweet version. Emphasis on sweet, my youngest baby is now getting married and very soon. She's going to be married in the Manti Temple. Yes, her soon-to-be-husband is a "farm-boy" and a husky Scotsman with red hair.

Danger Ranch is still extremely dangerous, adventurous, and wild! It is the most dangerous place, without a doubt, in Santa Paula.

Does this look like danger? Does the dog look like it may have caused this problem? I certainly don't walk on that side of the porch. That is our fat dog, LITTLE. (pig)

I've decided that most of my Native American DNA is very strong. At least when involves writing or talking. I can't say "yes" or "no", I can't! Those words always are together with a story. Additionally, I'm amazed how hard it is to hold a conversation and not look at that person in the face. Do I feel ashamed? No. Do I feel embarrassed, full of guilt, or shy? No. I don't look at the camera without a lot of trial and and mostly error. I am saying no more. The postman hates me -- ie: Passport photos.

This is an new goal for me. I taught one of my grandson's an interesting lesson yesterday. I reminded him of President Kimball's reminder to: "Just Do It" I told him, "If you just do everything without complaining or whining three things will happen." "You will have more friends and they will like you." "You will be successful in your job and lastly, you will like yourself." "So easy, just three little words = three big accomplishments."

I'm glad I'm still have some time here, literally, to fix stuff on myself because this lesson was for me.

I'm picking-up everyone's orange peels and trash in the yard. And...I'm not going to complain.

1 comment:

  1. I learn some special stuff with every post you write Mother!!
    I love you and I look forward to spending some special time together soon.

    I love you!!


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