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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Run Away Days

Our backyard & our Horses
Some days when there isn't a cloud in the sky and there ARE a "few" (smile) really ... in Southern California. Fog is a cloud in my book, so it's got to be blue sky everywhere. That  means to me, not-a-cloud-in-the-sky-day  is a "run-away day" and I love them. I'm always tempted by my husband's urging to wonder, yonder and venture-out on a vacation day even if it's raining or overcast.
Matilija Canyon Dam, Set For Demolition
A Giant Bat?
I sometimes feel it's just because we never have a real vacation. Steve has always had a business that has kept him close to home. Now that he's full-time on the fire department, he just accumulates vacation days. Our family still can't leave unless there is someone willing and able to feed the livestock and milk. We have a responsibility to stay around close to home.

Our beach 15 Minutes away!
 Just a note on the picture above: The flying thing is not an UFO, it's a blimp.
Exploring has always been part of our life journey together. We have spent hours taking a roads that have no track marks. Sometimes, even on Steve's four-day and he will have a work-related assignment to pick-up and deliver either checks, notices, pick-up equipment, or materials. My Steve is never paid for these trips, so I'm able to go with him. We even make those trips a sight-seeing afternoon in our beautiful Santa Clara Valley and sometimes we just leave and go beyond Saticoy. These one-day trips our truly are our vacations. I love our four-wheeled drive Toyota Land Cruiser...oops, it's now a FJ cruiser. We live in the middle of our county, so we even have beach, with beautiful weather always and on the same day... we could reach snow, in the high coastal range behind our house. I will always love our hometown.

Saticoy? Florida? Saticoy? We don't live here-
but we pass through Saticoy a lot
Less Than 15 Minutes From Santa Paula
Vacations make us stuck together in the car and we have had the best conversations, adventures, and scenic times. They are now treasures in our memories of our married life.
 What can be said at a movie? We take our camera and  even been an answer to prayers helping stranded persons, attending to car accidents, and even reporting "smoke showing" My husband calls in all kinds of emergencies and for just a few minutes, he's an incident commander. BTW, That's one job he's always been so very glad to turn over to the engine "on seen" and relief comes when the right helmet show up.

 I look forward to seeing places not visited and memories to gather as we continue our fun mini-vacations.

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