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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Wake-Up Call

What a great Sunday we've had today! It didn't start out so great. My husband came into our bedroom and shook me, "Get-up, get-up." "We need to be at church a little early this morning." My husband had taken the day off from his fire-duty and we also had Tanner, our grandson, staying here with us. I could see they both were all dressed and ready for church. I wasn't going to church today because I didn't sleep at all, the night before. I had terrible cramps in my leg and arm muscles. The loss of sleep doesn't do well for how I look or act. Sixty-year old women need beauty sleep more than anyone, because when we don't sleep, the red, bloodshot eyes, and our saggy face seems to be greatly enhanced. My hair was in every direction; I thrashed-around all night to find a comfortable position. I needed sleep. Steve said again, "You're going to church." 'No, I'm not!" I said, "Steven, Why are you forcing me to church?" he said, "I can't say, but you HAVE TO GO!" I was back at him, knowing my daughter, Marnie, had an appointment with the Stake Presidency a couple weeks ago (I had watched her little ones) I blurted out in a smarty-tone (remember...I was really grumpy/groggy/sleepy) and I said in a louder than normal, talking voice, "What!" "Is Marnie receiving the Priesthood?"

Steve gave me "the look", anyone who knows us or is related to us, know the "look."  Steve then said, "This isn't a guessing game, you really need to get ready." I CAN throw myself together and be showered, dressed, and hair done,  in 45 minutes. Maybe I'll wear? Anything. I rushed.

Tanner passed the Sacrament and there on the podium sat the whole Stake Presidency. I could see that they were here on business and not to visit our little ward. I reflected on our entrance on the side of the building. It's the entrance that everyone seems to feel comfortable using each week. Maybe it's because of the proximity of Bishop's office and that's the very first office we see ... as we step through the door. Anyway ... we came down the hall and there was my son-in-law, all dressed-up. His suit looked new and he even stood differently, he looked dashing. Yep, perfect word--dashing. I hadn't given that even a thought  until after the Sacrament had been passed. This is where I usually can put 2+2 together, but I didn't quite understand. Just as the Stake President started to announce the change, I knew it was my son-in-laws calling to be second counselor in the bishopric.

Lt: Our Son-in-Law, Steve, Bishop LaPointe, and Brother Ennis

Our son-in-law is a convert of about fourteen or so years and had been called a few weeks earlier. He had some questions and a bit of wavering maybe, of his own abilities, so he needed to talk to my husband. My Steve has been both counselors and also a Bishop. He has on many occasions talked to those coming into these callings. He did only what was asked of him. He help solve their questions and was able to reassure them that the Lord would bless them in their calling. The reassurance comes at the time that they are "set-apart" to do their work, all will fall into place, because of the Priesthood. We often had new bishops here at our house talking to Steve. They would take walks and talk or stand and then sit under the big Oak tree on Sunday afternoons.  I asked him once why do the "newbies" come here and do you tell them how to be a bishop. He said this exactly, "They are here to pick my brain." and then Steve always laughs. The funny part is that he doesn't remember much about it, not the callings he's had, nor the people he met with, nor e any of the fire and medical calls he's been on. Steve has trained himself to forget after the reports are done. He files all of it away in his brain in some dark, secret spot, that has a security lock on it. My Steve did know and was aware that Steve, my son-in-law, was going to be called into the bishopric and there was never a whisper or suggestion of the coming change.

I thought the Stake President, President Jones, was so thoughtful and much like the Savior when he knelt-down in front of Marnie and Steve's children. I thought of the Scriptures I had just read in the Book of Mormon, in 3rd Nephi, Chapters 17 and 18.  President Jones spoke softly and looked in each of their eyes and told them about their dad's new calling. I could see all of them looked back at him, knowing the things that he was telling them was to reassure them that their father was doing an important calling in the Church. We could all feel the Spirit there.

My Steve blessed their father to the office of a High Priest and then Steve, the younger, was set-apart by the Stake Presidency. The Bishop was grinning ear to ear. Brother Bill Ennis, my Steve's buddy, was put in the office of first counselor. We know that these two men will be a great service to our ward and will bless us all.

Bishop LaPointe is... humble, down-to-earth, approachable, and truly could be any man's best friend. He works hard in the "oil patch" now that he retired and sold his business. The men that he works with on the mountain are very rough around the edges. I know the kind. My dad also worked the oil fields and my husband did too. When Steve and I first started dating, my boyfriend, Steve (later husband) met my dad, not at our home or our front yard, but over 25 feet in the air and sitting on the edge of a huge oil tank eating lunch together. My father was one of those "rough around the edges" oil field roustabouts. Our bishop said that he was called by all his oil field buddies, the "grand pooh-paw". The bishop grinned. It makes me sad that the men make light of his position. They have no idea how important and scared a bishop's calling is in the church. Our bishop is forgiving and understands. I know we will be blessed by these great men.

My dear Mother-in-Law, Dune and My Steve
We've had a huge Sunday. Tanner and I cleaned-up the puppy-pens and while my husband was looking on. I gave all the puppies their first puppy shots. I felt they needed this shot to protect them from the stray dogs that linger around the ranch. There are few times when the sleep-need is more than the eat-need. This was one of those evenings and I knew it would be an early-to-bed evening because I couldn't see through my eyelids.

 My bed was calling me and I nearly sleep-walked my way to the hall and into our bedroom. My thoughts were that I had read a lot of Scriptures in class today and was probably enough. I put my head down on the pillow and instead of the instant sleep I expected, I looked right over at my Scriptures and thought of all I'm so grateful for in this world. I couldn't let sleep come without the need to express my appreciation, so I read, I prayed, and sleep came to me quickly.

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